
Questions From a Reader (Wow! People read this stuff!!)

I've received an extremely interesting email from an American living in Tokyo who stumbled upon my blog. I apologize for his suffering (for having read my blog, not for living in Tokyo). He has asked me a bunch of questions about EMS, my experiences and for clarification on a few terms and methods. He has agreed to let me answer them here in the blog.

As I am madly pressed for time in my day to day business, I'll endeavor to post a question a day from him, my answer and to invite the rest of my readers to give their feedback via the comments link. Some of his questions are beyond my scope of knowledge or practice so, I'll call upon some of you more experienced readers to contribute your wisdom. Some of the questions have answers that vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Again, I'll call upon you readers spread far and wide to contribute your experiences as well.

As it is 10pm and I have 8 miles to run before my 9am class tomorrow, I shall now retire. I'll post the first question and my answer tomorrow.

Thanks for hanging in there.


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