
Entry topics:

MedicMom has put out an entry about audience-driven blogging. Now, I have been pretty strict about keeping this blog within the limits of my EMS experience and my process of becoming a paramedic. I'm not too keen on putting in personal information and this blog has given me a great way to review my EMS calls and self-critique.

That said, I have noticed my hitcount and comment frequency drop off rather dramatically recently. I'm wondering if my audience is becoming bored with me. I suppose I can't have amazingly exciting calls EVERY week but I do try to be faithful with my experiences and my perspectives on them.

This is the question I put out:

Does anyone want to know more or is there anything my small audience wishes me to blog upon?

Please comment on this post (I check them frequently) or you can privately email me and I'll do my best. If I choose not to answer a particular question, I shall explain myself in my blog.

Thanks for reading.


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