
Campus Law Dog

My friend, Lips, has put up his blog. It promises to be excellent. I've heard him tell of a typical day at work and it can only lead to an excellent read. His blog is in the blogroll on the right of the page. I'll call him by his blog name from now on, CampusLawDog, or CLD. If someone in the Coast Guard ran a lot of Search and Rescue (SAR) cases, we refer to them as a "SAR Dog." Likewise, if that person runs a lot of Law Enforcement boardings or is particularly good at getting busts, they are often referred to as a "Law Dog." I think the name is an appropriate mix or CLD's Coast Guard heritage and enthusiasm for making people miserable.

He wasn't too happy about the "Lips" nickname and he trotted out a few of mine from out time on the water together. You win, CLD. I'd just as soon leave it at that. Heh heh.

Firehouse transfer update:

My old firehouse called me in today to cover the ambulance. I did and had no calls :(. Our ladder truck was at a funeral and most of the station crew was there too. I contacted my Chief and I'm going to be meeting with him in about 15 minutes. YAY! Now I can start running calls at my hometown station.

Cya all later! And be sure to check out CampusLawDog's blog.


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